Occupational Health Pathway for RBH staff

  • Normal routes to be assessed for COVID are:
    1. Self-referral to ED
    2. Phoning local GP who can then refer to the GP run hot hub.
  • The RBH Occupational Health (OH) Department, Hot Hub and COVID Ambulatory Clinic have collaborated to create a new pathway.
  • After a successful pilot, RBH OH can now refer directly to the GP Hot Hub. Thus, the staff member with COVID/suspected COVID does not need to go to their GP to be referred, and if reluctant to go to the ED can be seen at the GP-run Hot Hub.
  • At the Hot Hub the patient will be assessed, and can either be:
    1. Discharged back home;
    2. Discharged to the COVID ambulatory clinic (more details here: www.ticc19.com)
    3. Referred into hospital.